In The Media

Accomplishments over the years

From its inception, FREE’s projects have continuously attracted national media attention. In line with its founding force, The Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, FREE’s often daring innovations and civic dedication have warranted hundreds of reports in all manner of media, including major sources like the New York Times and the Associated Press. While in a constant effort to update the website with new articles, FREE presently offers visitors a selection of articles for viewing, which highlight FREE’s activities and accomplishments over the years.

In the Media
The Jewish Press
The Jewish Press
Lubavitch News Service
The Jewish Press
Bay Ridge Courier
Courier Life Publications
Courier Life Publications
Courier Life Publications
Jewish Family Services
Encyclopedia of Chicago
New York Times
Australian Jewish News
The Washington Times
The Jewish Press
Urban Gazette
New York Times
Algemeiner Journal
The Jewish Press
Algemeiner Journal
New York Times
The Jewish Week
As nation marks anniversary, Jews remember loved ones – Jewish Telegraphic Agency
The Cincinnati Post
Group reaches out to Russian Jews – New York Newsday
Baltimore Jewish Times
The Jewish Press
Waverley Council Mayor’s Column
The Flatbush Life
Kfar Chabad Magazine
Algemeiner Journal
Novoye Russoe Slovo

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