Amidst live music, singing and dancing, the Jewish Russian community of greater Chicago and suburbs gathered at FREE’s newest center in Riverwoods, Illinois to welcome the newly restored Sefer Torah Scroll.
The Torah Scroll, which has been unkosher for some time, underwent extensive repair thanks to the generosity of Dr. and Mrs. Sergey Golber who dedicated the newly restored Torah in loving memory of Alexander Golber, long time member of the FREE center of Chicago.
Rabbi Shmuel Notik, director of FREE of Chicago, addressed the crowd, explaining the significance of a Torah celebration and spoke about Alexander Golber, of blessed memory, who made such a drastic transition in leading a Jewish life in a relatively small period of time.
The event draw a large crowd, many attending for the very first time. Reb Yakov Yarmove auctioned off the Ата Хораиса и hakafos, allowing everyone to participate in this great mitzvah.
This was the first Torah in a campaign to restore five additional Torahs. With the help of the community, FREE will begin restoring all of these Torah’s in the very near future. For more information contact FREE at 718-467-0860 or visit